Octopus is rich in taurine, so it is a healthy food.
It is chewy, but it has good taste.
We usually put Wasabi on it, and dip it in soy sauce, and eat.
But I some time squeeze lemon on it, and eat.
It is also good.
I introduce you Japanese delicious foods.
i have found to grow to appreciate octopus lately...
Welcome to my blog and thanks for your comment!
Octopus can be ingredient of various Japanese dish.
nobu, the tako looks deliciously fresh! My stomach is rumbling already.
Bento_pet, thanks!
I think it is also good with Sake(rice wine).
Tako in olive oil...tako as sashimi...yum! What I wanted to try is takoyaki but never had them until now waaahh!!!
Sorry, Mirage.
I will post "takoyaki" some day.
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