March 3, 2010

Hina arare

Hina arare is a traditional sweet for Japanese Girl's day (March 3rd).
On that day, families who have girl set dolls in their house and prepare special food to celebrate in hope of growth of girl in healthy.

Hina arare is popped rice coated with sugar.
Those colours, pink, white, and green are compared to peach blossom, remaining snow, and young grass ( fresh leaf) each.


La Bella Cooks said...

What a fun tradition. The sugary popped rice sounds like a tasty treat.

Leica 麗香 said...

これは何と美しい習慣でしょう。 桃色い花が女らしさや、白い雪が純潔や、青草が青春を象徴すると思いますが、間違いかもしれない。 とにかく、私はこの伝統がとても好きです。

Mirage said...

Always an interesting thing to do...the colors look cheerful!

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I will try this for my niece. We have an excellent relaionship and we enjoy each other's compant.

Your recipes sound delicious! I am overjoyed that Duckbutt communicated to me about your site.

Jackie said...

do you have the recipe for hina arare?

Anonymous said...

thats a really cool tradition i've always wanted to visit japan, never got the chance to. btw that looks yummy

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